Get ready to conquer nature when you ride an ATV! These innovative vehicles allow you to explore dirt trails with the comfort, speed, and agility you want for all day riding. If you are looking to buy an ATV, keep reading for tips on the research process. Then check out the selection of ATVs for sale through Windy City Motorcycle Company.

Uses of ATVs

ATVs come in two broad categories based on their main purpose. First, there are models designed for leisure riding. Adrenaline junkies seek out these four wheelers to enjoy thrilling rides out in the backwoods. The models prioritize agility so that you can easily maneuver about tight trails. They also tend to offer high speed potentials and are designed to be easy to handle.

Second, there are quads made to help you with work projects. Use them to reach the far ends of your property with speed and ease. Tow away fallen logs, rocks, and other debris. Load them up to bring tools and materials to your work site. These models focus on delivering high power and towing potential to get your projects done.

Your Riding Level

When you look for models, take into account how much time you've spent riding. If you are new to the ATV lifestyle, you will want to look at quads with lower power engines. We suggest finding something between 250ccs and 300ccs. You can also find options that have features designed to make riding easier, such as keyed ignitions and throttle limiters. 

If you are a more experienced ATV rider, then you can look for models that offer power potential at your level. You'll want something with enough oomph to keep you engaged, but not so much that it's difficult to control.

When you are ready to check out ATVs for sale, check out the selection at Windy City Motorcycle Company. We proudly serve those throughout Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.